WP 5 - Sustainability and management of resources
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WP 4 - Review

4. Review about experiences with marketing and sale of palm products; technical report and summarized for an international journal (42).


Since most of the relevant field data available to WP4 came from Ecuador, WP4 participated in the production of a book on the biology and sustainable use of Ecuadorean palms (“Palmas Ecuatorianas: biología y uso sostenible”). In collaboration with Lucía de la Torre a whole chapter on experiences with marketing and sale of palm products was provided (“Comercio”) including a list containing all available palm products (from Ecuador).

Brokamp G., de la Torre L. & M. Weigend. 2013. Comercio. Pp. 35–43 in: Valencia et al. (eds.), Palmas Ecuatorianas: Biología y Uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.


Technical reports on regionally (fibre products from Aphandra natalia) and internationally (vegetable ivory products from Phytelephas aequatorialis) traded palm materials went into the elaboration of two chapters on the corresponding palm species in this book.

Valencia R., Brokamp G. & H. Balslev. 2013. Palma de fibra: Aphandra natalia. Pp. 111–122 in: Valencia et al. (eds.), Palmas ecuatorianas: biología y uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.

Montúfar R., Brokamp G. & J. Jácome. 2013. Tagua: Phytelephas aequatorialis. Pp. 165–173 in: Valencia et al. (eds.) Palmeras Ecuatorianas: Biología y Uso sostenible. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.


WP4´s experiences with marketing and sale of palm products were also presented (as talks) at scientific conferences and on other platforms:

  • Weigend M. & Brokamp G. 2009. Sustainability in the real world ‐ wild harvest of palm products in the Neotropics. Talk. EUNOPS 2009, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK.
  • Brokamp G., Mittelbach M., Valderrama N. & Weigend M. 2011. Trade in Palm products in northwestern South America – bad future prospects for sustainable resource extraction. Talk. BioSystematics 2011, Berlin, Germany.
  • Brokamp G., Mittelbach M., Valderrama N. & Weigend M. 2011. Value chains and sustainability in the trade with palm products in NW South America. Talk. EUNOPS 2011, Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • Brokamp G., Mittelbach M., Valderrama N. & Weigend M. 2011. Obtención y evaluación de datos sobre la comercialización de los productos de palmeras. Talk. Symposium "Impacto de la cosecha de palmas en los bosques tropicales." (Impact of Palm Harvest in Tropical Forests). 6-7 August, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia, Colombia.
  • Weigend M., Mittelbach M. & Brokamp G. 2011. Neotropical Palm Products – Underutilised resources for marginal lands. Talk. Tropentag 2011 “Development on the margin”, Bonn, Germany.
  • Weigend M., Mittelbach M. & Brokamp G. 2012. Palmito und Aguaje ‐ Tausend Nutzen für neuweltliche Palmen. Talk in the series "Regenwald ‐ Schatzkammer des Lebens" at the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander König 12.01.2012, Bonn, Germany.
  • Brokamp G. & Weigend M. 2012. Small industries and trade based on palm products. Talk. Mini Symposium at PUCE, Departamento de Biología, 22.10.2012, Quito, Ecuador.
  • Brokamp G. & Weigend M. 2013. Von der Frucht im Mund bis zum Öl im Shampoo. Invited talk in the monthly series of Freundeskreis Botanische Gärten Bonn, 18.04.2013, Bonn, Germany.
  • Brokamp G. & Weigend M. 2013. Palmeras nativas del noroeste de América del Sur – sobre-explotadas pero sub-utilizadas. Talk. Simposio Internacional “Palm Harvest Impacts on Tropical Forests: Results and Proposals”, 20-21 September, Tingo María, Peru.


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