WP 5 - Sustainability and management of resources
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WP 9 - Products

Products (month):

1. Preparation and running of internal management and coordination procedures (1-60).

 Achieved and ongoing


2. Progress reports to the commission (month 18, 36, 54, 60).

Project periodic reports have been submitted to the commission accordingly



3. Financial reports to the commission (month 18, 36, 54, 60).

Project fiancial reports have been submitted to the commission accordingly



4. Organization of four planning, coordination and evaluation and work-shops (3, 15, 30, 50).

Six project workshops have been planned, held and evaluated



5. Coordination of events targeting Ph.D.-students (6-54).

a. WP9 made sure that project students participated in the various meetings organized by PALMS such as the symposia held in connection with the Steering Committee meeting in Lima (2009), Villa Tunari (2010), Leticia (2011), Mindo (2012), Tingo María (2013).

b. The coordination has seen that as many as possible of the projects students would have extended stays at institutions other than their own. Camara (Madrid) has visited Aarhus during six months; Paniagua (La Paz) has spent over one year in Madrid and one month in Aarhus. María Jose Sanín (Bogota) has spent several months at both Montpellier and Aarhus. Wolf Eiserhardt (Aarhus) spent three months in Montpelier. Several other students exchanges have occurred.


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The project is divided into nine specific work packages Read more...