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Stakeholder meeting w. Memoria

The FP7-Palms project's Work-Package 6 on Policies and sustainable use and management organises a meeting with Ecuadorian stakeholders in Quito on June 10th, 2010. The meeting is attended by over 40 people representing various Governmental and non-governmental institutions in Ecuador that develop and work with policies that in one way or another influence how palm resources are managed, used and traded in Ecuador. The meeting is organized by Renato Valencia and Lucia de la Torre who are project team members from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in Quito. The Quito FP7-Palms team will present ongoing work on impacts of palm harvest and ecosystem resilience (Rommel Montufar), on fp7-palms' communication and dissemination strategy and on the task of  implementing the projects results into a policy context. The meetings program can be seen on this link , and the list of participants here.

This stakeholder meeting is a collaboration between FP7-Palms' work-packages 6 (Policy) and 8 (Communication). It is our plan to replicate such meetings in each participating country to produce a participation map. The map will illustrate the visions and relationships of different stakeholders (human communities, industries and official institutions) concerning sustainable use of forest products. In the cities, the workshops will detect the vision of officials, consultants, academics and entrepreneurs, while in the field, it will give a vision of the collectors and first hand producers of products based on cultivated and wild palms. The workshops intends to describe the complexity, opportunities, and bottle necks of sustainable management of Non-Timber-Forest-Products (NTFPs). In addition the workshop will point to incentives to good practices, intellectual property rights (IPR) and markets.

This Event will help us to present the project and to involve the different stakeholders in it, but the main objective is to make stakeholder alliances that will improve the project's impact. All information gathered, will generate more communication products and will also give us insights for continuing our work over the next years.


NEW: report (Memoria)

Workshop Poster

List of Participants


Project - Renato Valencia
WP3 - Rommel Montúfar
WP6 and Participatory Map - Lucía De la Torre
WP8 - Gabriela Vaca


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