
Preparatory Workshop Presentations

Palm Project scope and objectives of the workshop (H. Balslev) (Presentation)

WP 1: Diversity and abundance of palm resources (H. Balslev, H. Navarrete)  (Presentation)

WP 2: Ecosystem resilience and limits of functioning (R. Montufar, F. Anthelme, B. Millán) (Presentation)

WP 3: Products provided by palms to local people (M. Macia, M. Moraes) (Presentation)

WP 4: Small industries and trade based on palm products (M. Weigend, R. Bernal) (Presentation)

WP 5: Sustainability and management of resources (G. Galeano, R. Bernal, J. Albán) (Presentation)

WP 6: Policies and sustainable use and management (R. Valencia, Baudoin) (Presentation)

WP 7: Compilation and organization of information (W. Baker, M. Macia) (Presentation)

WP 8: Communication (M. Moraes, H. Navarrete) (Presentation)