
WP 7 - Description of work


1. Search existing information about palm uses and trade and its implications in northwestern South America from all available sources including: a) standard scientific literature, b) literature from local journals and books published in the study region, c) reports from national and local governmental offices in the study region, d) reports from local NGO’s, e) thesis works from universities in northwestern South America, etc.

2. Organize this information (including information provided by WP 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) into a data-base with all published articles and books about use and trade of palms in northwestern South America, as well as disemination and policy regarding ecosystem management, sustainability and resilience.

3. Integrate (data-base) information regarding the application and management of palm species and communities in NW South America into the EDIT portal with data linked to specimens, literature references, and PDF-files of otherwise inaccessible materials and documents, supplementing the survey it provides of the worlds palms.